Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It's Wednesday morning at my house...the day before Thanksgiving. All of us have turkey on our minds and are thinking about that last minute shopping trip to get what we forgot to buy yesterday!!! Time to set the table, count the napkins (because I never have enough for some reason :-)...those of you who know me and the napkin story will have a quiet chuckle with that one. The anticipation of being with family is great, and of course, the football games on television or in our own backyards. Clearly, this year will be different...I don't have a table...yet! I don't have internet so there won't be any football, and with good luck on my side, I will figure out how to read the manual and learn how to work the oven as I haven't done that yet...there is turkey, so things are good. We will be sharing the day with our new "family" here in Abu Dhabi and it will be a wonderful day...
Being in this new adventure of ours for about 3 months now, I have happily added more to my list of who and what to be grateful for...Of course my family, those of you given and those of you chosen, my home, my husband's job that enables us to have the life we have, our servicemen and women all over the world preserving and protecting what's most precious to us, the freedoms we tend to take for granted until they are threatened. The list goes on and on, but also on my mind are the things and events that presently surround me on a day to day basis. I am grateful for my security guards downstairs who smile and laugh with me ( and most likely at me for their obvious reasons and it's OK) when I walk through the door many times each day. BTW, they delivered Patchi chocolates last night as a welcome gift to us for moving into Etihad Towers. Now, who doesn't love a security guard that hand delivers chocolates!!! I am grateful for the patience of the taxi drivers when I need to go somewhere and I can't seem to communicate the correct way to get to wherever I'm going and yet they get me there. I am so appreciative of the person in Lulu's (my grocery store) the other day who answered my question before I even asked it only because they knew the look and have been there before. I am grateful for roundabouts not under construction, the iced tea at our new found Mexican restaurant, and did I mention before that the Krispie Kreme donut store makes their donuts on site and there is a "hot to go" sign and they are so good!!! And to my Terri..am beyond grateful for you, but especially today for introducing me to Susan :-).
 I am grateful for the little surprises that happen almost daily that keeps life so interesting here. It challenges me to think outside my box and experience "new" all over again. I so appreciate the opportunity to work again in the field that I love. I missed it terribly and found it again here halfway around the world. And, I am eternally grateful for my new friends here with me in Abu Dhabi. I believe there is a reason why we are here together and it is an honor to be here with you. It goes without saying that I will miss my boys and Caitlin most of all, but am content knowing they will be with their friends and new family this holiday season...another right of passage...another experience, believe it or not, to be grateful for.

From the Mauthe Family to all of you...Happy Thanksgiving! Wish me luck with the oven!!! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Views from the 52nd Floor

I admit I am getting very little accomplished in my apartment at the moment. Last night was our first night here and I can't stop staring out the windows. The place is a wreck with stuff everywhere and sadly (not really :-) I have realized from experience that it's not going anywhere and that I will eventually get around to it. Daily I watch the boaters on the water in their ski boats and on their jet skis buzzing around the gulf. The water is a beautiful two toned aqua blue. Somebody has a yacht parked in their private spot in the marina and the rooftop of the Emirates Palace Hotel shines both in the day and at night below my living room window. The Presidential Palace on this end of the island is off to the left and apparently they need another one as there is yet another palace being built over to the right not a mile away. I count 15 cranes and they are in constant motion. There are several small islands that surround the area...some with buildings on them and some that are just sand. There are 2 more hotels being built out the windows of what will be our guest room. All the workers are in green shirts and they look like an army of ants moving around and constantly working both day and night. Outside our bedroom window is the view of the Cornishe...the main road that follows the shoreline on the outskirts of the city. Rooftops of other buildings are very interesting as I see swimming pools and restaurants instead of air conditioner and utility areas on some of them. I have a straight shot to the mall as the crow flies...that said I have not seen any crows or any birds at this level yet...only helicopter. We just happened to be looking out our living room windows the other day and a helicopter flew by at eye level. Yes, I  waved and was totally blown away at what we had just seen. I could stare out the windows for hours watching the tug boats bring in the supply ships or the cars traveling up the road and into town. Sunsets every evening happen quickly and will definitely be a time of day where you will find me in front of a window. As the sun goes down, the lights come up and it's a whole different world full of motion and color. Night time wakes up and the observations start all over again...

I have got to get busy!!!! 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Some Observations...

There is a big holiday going on right now called Eid Al-Adhr. There are throngs of  happy people everywhere...it's a time for family, traditions, and celebration in the Muslim world and it's been very interesting watching it all. Our hotel went from being this rather quiet resort to a total buzz at all hours of the day and night in no time. Seems like the majority of our newest visitors are families on vacation and not just here for the holiday...apparently it's tourst season as well. We are hearing a lot of Russian being spoken around the area these days along with the other many different other languages in the air...at least those I recognize.
I have always been curious about foreign languages and have enjoyed what little I can still speak other than English and well...southern :-). However, in my observations the last couple of days with all the families here filling the lobby, restaurants, pool, and beach areas, I have picked up on some very familiar voice tones. I do believe there are endless ways to tell a 3 year old not to throw his sister's toys in the pool after the mother has fished them out 25 times. I do believe there are endless ways to tell a 4 year old not to take off his bathing suit in the lobby of the hotel. And, I do believe food fights between siblings exist everywhere...the rules are the same no matter what part of the world you call home and not a word has to be spoken. The expressions on some of the faces of the moms and dads are crystal clear in any language after a day at the beach and the language of that cry we all know from the overtired little one who has been on that beach and ocean high for just a little too long needs no words at all. This afternoon I listened and watched a mom sing to her children in the elevator to quiet them down as they headed back to their room for a rest (I hope) for all of them and I was quite amused watching a group of kids talking a mile a minute about where they've been that day and what the plan is for that night. We really don't need to understand the words to get what's going on...it's all universal. Hearing with our eyes sometimes explains everything...

Eid Mubarak Everyone!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


The first three pictures were taken from our balcony of the hotel room we are living in at the moment. We've been very comfortable here and the views are beautiful. We did find out today that we can move into our apartment on November 12th and we are looking forward to finally being in our own place. That said, I can honestly say that we have never been treated this well in a hotel...ever. They mean it when they say their customer service is priority one and that philosophy seems to be city wide. Always polite and efficient, it's been a great experience. It's definitely tourist season...the hotel is hopping! The weather is perfect (my apologizes to those who just experienced snow)...warm in the day and so comfortably cool at night.

I went to the mall yesterday and remembered to take my camera this time. The last three photos are quite self explanatory (food!) and are very typical of what I've found in the malls over here. Walking around in these shopping areas I've realized, whether it's on purpose or not, a lot of the same kind stores are grouped together...sporting goods in one area, women's clothing in another, and banks and phone stores in another..not spread out like ours are.. Prayer rooms are as common as our sitting areas in our malls...and yes, Starbucks is everywhere! There are the typical fast food chains, but there are some surprises too. I never expected to see Claire's, Ace Hardware, or Edible Arrangements here. Ahhhh. the comforts of home! Guess what the last picture is??? :-)...

Until next time...
